Inductive Magnet Earpiece Kit

10 $

Magnetic spy earpiece is the most small earpieces for cheating on exams from world. Complete kit that contains several sizes of magnetic earpiece, as well as special devices to facilitate the insertion / removal of spy earpieces from the ear, as well as for the correct positioning in the ear.

This complet kit is included in package box for product GSM Box with magnetic inductive earpiece.



This is the most complete kit that contains several models of small  earpieces for cheating on exam/test. You have several earpieces of different sizes, which are suitable for all ears. This complet kit worcks with this GSM Box with Neckloop.

Magnetic spy earpiece of different sizes M - L

Because the anatomy of each person’s ear is unique, there is a possibility that some people may hear better with a M-sized spy earpiece than L, or vice versa. After the tests you will do with both sizes, you will use a spy earpiece with the size you get along better with.

Usually a spy earpiece is used in each ear. The rest are spare, as they are small and can be easily lost.

Magnetic Cheating Earpiece

The headphones are a little bigger, but they have the advantage that they can be used much easier than the ones on the eardrum.

I-EarCheat is another type of magnetic earpiece for cheating on exam.  The principle of operation is similar to that of earpiece on the eardrum, but this type of spy earpiece is not necessary to touch the eardrum.

Do not worry! Even if the i-EarCheat earpieces are a little bigger, I guarantee that they are not visible in the ear. You have two sizes of earpieces, so they can be used by those who have a smaller ear hole.

i-EarCheat spy earpieces 2

Special tool for inset earpiece (optional)

The advantage is that this tube comes exactly on the ear canal and you will not bother to hit the ear hole, dropping the headphones on the floor.

Mini magnetis spy earpiece are quite small. Many of the users lost their earpieces easily when they put them in their ear, because they did not hit the ear hole from the first time, or the earpiece did not reach the ear and when they straightened their head they fell.

Because earpiece is very small, you can not find them anymore. This is also the reason why many spare earpieces were offered – they were easily lost.

But with this simple device, the headset will reach directly to the ear much easier and faster. And you avoid to lost earpieces.

Although seemingly useless, in reality it is extremely effective! Insert oane spy earpiece that you are going to put in the ear inside the tube, then put the tube with the opening in the ear and turn it over.

Oval Black Magnet for placing/removing spy earpiece

The oval black magnet can be used both for placing the spy earpiece on the eardrum as well as for removing the headset from the ear.

Correct positioning of the spy earpieces

So if after putting the spy earpiece in the ear the sound is not satisfactory, with this magnet you make short movements behind the ear and the spy earpiece being magnetic will change its position in the ear.

You will hear better or worse. You will insist until you get the sound you want. This can happen because the spy earpiece does not always reach the eardum in the right  position.

Magnet for remuve cheating spy earpiece

Removing spy earpiece from the ear

The spy earpiece are strong magnetic. Thus, when you insert the tip of the oval magnet in the ear a little and turn it a little, the spy earpiece will be attracted and will come out of the ear on this oval magnet.

Be careful, however, the spy earpiece are small and light and you must clean yourself so that you do not have wax before putting them in your ear. The wax is sticky and the earpieces will stick and come out harder.

Stick for remuve spy cheatong earpiece from ear

Special stick with magnetic head

In over 95% of cases the spy earpieces come out of the ear quite easily. But if the earpieces do not want to come out with that oval magnet, you can use this small stick with magnetic head and the earpieces will definitely come out of the ear.

This magnetic head stick is very useful for cases when the earpieces with get stuck in the ear.

Package box contains

  • 4 x M size magnetic earpiece 3×1 mm
  • 4 x L size magnetic earpiece 5×1 mm
  • 2 x M size i-EarCheat spy Earpiece 6×6 mm
  • 2 x L size i-EarCheat spy Earpiece 8×8 mm
  • Special tool for eazy insert magnetic earpiece (optional)
  • Black oval magnet for correct positioning/remuving earpieces
  • Special stick with magnetic head for eazy remuve earpieces


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